Breaking Down a Dog Bite Claim

Animal attack injuries are one of the most common homeowners' insurance claims in Texas. Furthermore, since medical and psychological knowledge has increased in this area, the average claim amount has skyrocketed 75 percent since 2003. When a large breed dog, like a pitbull, att...

Fatal Tractor-Trailer Wreck in Weatherford

An eighteen wheeler overturned after it rear-ended an SUV. The impact caused a chain-reaction crash that killed one person and sent seven others to the hospital. According to police and witnesses, the wreck occurred on Interstate 20 not far from the Cleburne Highway exit. After ...

Five Car Crash Dos and Don’ts

In a criminal investigation, the first 48 hours is usually the critical time. In much the same way, the first 48 hours after a car crash have a significant bearing on the rest of your case. Many victims unintentionally create problems for their Fort Worth personal injury attorne...

Evidence in a Car Crash Claim

To obtain compensation for their car wreck injuries, victim/plaintiffs must establish negligence, or a lack of ordinary care, by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not). That's the lowest standard of proof in Texas law. However, there's normally a direct relations...

Three Types of Swimming Pool Injuries

During the summer of 2017, Texas had the highest number of swimming pool fatalities in the country. The casualty count in the Lone Star State increased over 30 percent from 2017. These victims may be entitled to substantial compensation if the landowner had a legal duty and the ...