Interlock Devices explained

| Sep 4, 2018 |

Texas is one of the few states without a mandatory Ignition Interlock Device (a/k/a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device). However, these gadgets are very important in many DWIs. The first primitive IIDs appeared in the late 1960s. By the late 1980s, a few crude ones were co...

DWI Alternatives and Enhancements

| Aug 30, 2018 |

Driving While Intoxicated is, by far, the most commonly-charged alcohol-related offense in North Texas. But sometimes, all the elements are not present. Or, in a few cases, there is not enough evidence of intoxication to establish probable cause. Sometimes, the opposite is true....

Walk and Turn for your liberty!

| Aug 28, 2018 |

The heel-to-toe walk test, which is also known as the walk and turn, is the third field sobriety test in the three-test National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-approved three test battery. It's a divided attention test which measures both mental acuity and physical dexteri...

Pretrial release in Tarrant County

Pretrial release is important for a number of reasons. Obviously, people who are incarcerated cannot work, go to school, or spend time with their families. Furthermore, these individuals cannot participate in their own defenses, at least in any meaningful way. Finally, many Tarra...